Post 3: A person I would like to meet

Hello, today I am going to talk about the person I would have liked to meet. He was Elisée Reclus. Who is Elisée Reclus? Borned in 1830 and died in 1905 (75 years old), was a French geographer and creator of the Social Geography. He participated in the commune of Paris (1871), in the First International (in the tendence federalist and anarchist, with Mijaíl Bakunin) and was part of the Geography Society of Paris. But not only for this I would have liked to meet him. Already in his time he was a vegetarian and animalist, feminism defender and -for me- the best thinker about the inequality and the opression trought the history of the humanity. About this, his last work "The Man and the Earth" (1905) its a sociological work of the class war in the history of the humanity whit more than 6000 pages. In this work he studies the origin of the patriarchy, the property, the autority and have a very interesting interpretations of many importants moments in the history of the world (not only of Europe).
For all of this reasons now I am reading his correspondence, where I discovered a very deep person: lonely, idealist and with a beautifull view of the life.



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