
Post 8: My opinion, and yours?

Good day, today I want to talk to you about many social subjects. First, what do you think about buy a pet? I think that is a mafia, because two reasons: one) the sellers make feel pain to the mom of the pets; and two) the animals are individuals. But now, if you not buy the pet, but you receive a exotic pet thinking in their race... is that great?  I don´t have the response: please write your opinion in the comments. Second, what is your opinion about legalizing marijuana? I think that is a personal resolution, provided that the drive in effects of the drug is illegal. Also the drug trafficking will take down, making the city more safe. But, please I really know who I don´t have the most best opinion, if you are confrontation whit me I will read you... Third, in the chilean culture many football club´s have "barras bravas". A group of persons who follow their football club when their will play. Their sing, jump an support. The problem is when, in few cases, the "barra...

Post 6: Postgraduate Studies

Good day, today I want to talk to you about my academic dreams. When I graduated I would like to study in Spain political science with the professor Carlos Taibo and be able to specialize in criticizing military institutions and wars. It would not be so difficult, because in Madrid and Barcelona there I have many parients who could help me with the place to live. I would like to study with Carlos Taibo for being a political scientist with a political bias that is related to me. It is also a topic that interests me a lot. Besides, Spain is a very nice place, although what I like the most is its endless and cheap antique book fairs. (And the cheap beers from the bars). This topic would help me to investigate what happens in this type of institution in our country, to be able to understand better, while being more critical, to our reality. Criticism that is not usually present in public opinion. For example: What are the masculinities within the army? What vision do you have about ...

Post 4: My Favorite Series

Hello, today I will talk about my favorite series! This is Mr. Robot, a American series created by Sam Esmail and starring the famous actor Remi Malek. he series consists of a computer security engineer who suffers from a personality disorder, that is to say he dissociates himself in an alter ego represented by his father. This last character is a hacker that aims to destroy the data of the largest corporation in the world, E Corp. My favorite episode is when he discovers that he himself is the hacker. Won the Golden Globe for the best drama series and finally, the series is my favorite for a representation against the market and its game with political power.

Post 3: A person I would like to meet

Hello, today I am going to talk about the person I would have liked to meet. He was Elisée Reclus. Who is Elisée Reclus? Borned in 1830 and died in 1905 (75 years old), was a French geographer and creator of the Social Geography. He participated in the commune of Paris (1871), in the First International (in the tendence federalist and anarchist, with Mijaíl Bakunin) and was part of the Geography Society of Paris. But not only for this I would have liked to meet him. Already in his time he was a vegetarian and animalist, feminism defender and -for me- the best thinker about the inequality and the opression trought the history of the humanity. About this, his last work "The Man and the Earth" (1905) its a sociological work of the class war in the history of the humanity whit more than 6000 pages. In this work he studies the origin of the patriarchy, the property, the autority and have a very interesting interpretations of many importants moments in the history of the world (no...

Post 2: The best concert ever

Hi!!! Today I will talk about my favorite concert! Although in the beginning i loved the Hip-Hop music and the concerts of RAP in Caupolicán Theatre (where I have a lot of pictures with the most famous singers), today my favorite music are the Lo-Fi. Yes, the music to study that YouTube recommends. My favorite band are FANSO, a Spanish group of DJ's (Mr. Guayaba and Made in M) and rappers (Cráneo -or Sloth Brite- and Lasser). They music have a deep sense of the life and I not understand most of the letters of the songs. In November of the past year they came to Chile and with a group of friends went to their concert in Providencia, near to The Lions station. Not all was good, I think that they hated us because some people whistled before the concert starts and opened the curtain of the stage. Also we don't knew the letters of their songs (maybe the persons in the concert were in a unusual state, haha). Even so, was a very good night with my favorite group music.  

Post 1: A country I would like to visit: Easter Island

Hi! Today I will talk about the country would I like to go J  There are Chile, but not a current place like Santiago, I will visit Easter Island. I knew the island in the past, when I was 16 years old. For me, is the most beautiful place around the world because of his peace and nature. I know some of his history, my grandfather ever comments the same (he live in Easter Island since my mom was a child), "The Easter Islands in the past make a civil war between the workers and the idlers"; "The Moai's are a representation of the leaders of the community". On the other hand every time I strange take the bicycle and go for a stroll around the island in a little time. Alone. Admire the sunset. -Drink a little of alcohol-. Taste the famous mini pineapple. Swim underwater! In spite of everything, I wouldn't live in the island because are a very small place with the same things to do the rest of my life.

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¡Hi! (again) I´m Nahuel González (maybe you know my first name), student of Sociology at University of Chile. I born in a controversial date: 11 of september. I think that my weaknesses in english are oral communication, the vocabulary and especially the use of the time. But the strengths are the reading comprehension, also my expectations for this class are learn gramatical rules.